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CULED signs MoU for Partnership with College of Peace and Reconciliation Studies

Updated: Feb 6, 2024

Christian University for Leadership Education and Development is pleased to announce that it has formalized and signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for collaboration and academic partnership with College of Peace and Reconciliation Studies (CPRS), for the development of their institutions and the promotion of international understanding and good will.

College of Peace and Reconciliation Studies (CPRS) is legally registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as a Limited Liability Company approved to offer degree awarding courses with Registration No RC 1530450. CPRS is affiliated to LAWNA Theological Seminary (LATS) Jos. LATS is a Seminary of the Apostolic Church of Nigeria. CPRS is recognized and approved by the Ministry of Higher Education Plateau State as a degree awarding College.

Formerly (RETA Peace Institute) was started in 2009 by Rev. Assoc. Prof. Joseph Maren Sampson as a training center for the development of leaders in Africa and to seek how to address the persistent conflict in the Continent from an African approach. Joseph Maren Sampson is currently a Lecturer and Head of Department Psychology & Christian Counselling at ECWA Theological Seminary, Kagoro Kaduna State and Adjunct Lecturer at Gindiri Theological Seminary Gindiri. Desirous of contributing to the mitigation of conflict and proffering alternative and credible initiative for peace in communities and to produce students capable of contributing to the desired peace in this nation, CPRS was founded. Joseph Maren is a Chevening Scholar, a Certified Peace Advocate and Mediator, a Peace Ambassador, an Educationist, a Counsellor and Theologian of good repute.

College of Peace and Reconciliation Studies aspires to become a World class Training Center for Peace and Leadership development in Africa. The mission of College of Peace and Reconciliation Studies is to provide quality Peace Education within an African context through which persons can acquire professional knowledge and skills in conflict mitigation, grow in spiritual maturity, and develop sound moral values, ethics and leadership qualities.

Objectives of the College include:

  1. To train leaders who would become agents of transformation in their communities through participatory and people-oriented approach to development.

  2. To promote peaceful co-existence, tolerance and peace strategies that can inspire healthy relationships in Africa and beyond.

  3. To conduct research and documentation that can be helpful for development.


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